Monday, March 31, 2008


Here is the little man wearing Daddy's shoes. He thought it was very funny. He is also holding a new favorite bath toy, a turtle. Of course right after this picture, he was standing there all on his own without Karl holding on. He does that quite a bit now and doesn't really realize what he is doing. It's very funny.

In case anyone is wondering, yes mom did dress him this day so the stripe overload is my fault. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well, I wanted to make sure that all the big events in Dorian's life were sort of recorded. So here is a list of some milestones:
First laugh: October 20, 2007 (at his cousin Kavi)
First time crawling: December 28, 2007
First solid food:
First time standing alone: March 16, 2008
First tooth: IN PROCESS (finally)

Monday, March 24, 2008

walking (again)

The day before Easter we got together with Milo so that the boys could have some fun in the sun. Naked time was great in the sun! Dorian did NOT like grass. It was so funny. I would hold him up standing and he would stand on one foot so he didn't have to put the other one down too. He would start to and feel the grass and yank his foot up again real quick. Hilarious. They got to ride home in the double stroller, pushed by Micah. The weather has been so nice that we get to spend time outside each day without having to bundle up completely. Very nice.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Peds visit

Dorian went to the pediatrician's office today for his well baby visit. He LOVED the crinkly paper on the exam table. Much fun. His nurse practitioner says he is doing very well (duh, we knew that) and that he is tall and "slim". Not a problem, he just needs to get some teeth so we can give him a bigger variety of food. He weighed in at 17 pounds 8.5 ounces. So not really any more than at his 7 month visit. He did however grow another inch, andn is now 28.5 inches tall. No wonder he can reach all the things I moved out of the way now! He did very well with the nurse and was friendly to eveyone as usual. ;)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

yummy food and paper

We went out for Japanese a couple nights ago and discovered a new food for Dorian. RICE! I also had soba noodles with broth and those were a hit as well. He ate SOOO much we were starting to wonder where the heck he was puting it all. He at a lot. When we got in the car, he complained a little like he usually does when he gets put in his big boy chair, we started the car and drove about 100 feet, noticed it was really quiet and looked back to see that he had already fallen asleep. I think we need to stuff him more often!

While we were at Grandma's house, Dorian found the paper towel roll. He already likes to unroll the toilet paper roll, that's great fun! Well, he managed to rip a paper towel off the roll (very exciting) and then proceeded to shred it completely. The good thing is that he's not eating each piece anymore! He was very serious and studious about ripping up his paper.

collection of cuties

Well, here is a little group of pictures that I like that are not in any particular order. The first is Dorian in the coolest outfit ever. Mommy put the baby legs on him (yes they are basically leg warmers) and Dorian picked out the onesie. We make a great team with color coordination. Wow. He is holding his very own sunglasses that Daddy bought him so he could stop riping ours off our faces. :) Thanks Daddy!

The second one is from last weekend when we went to Stockton. We also stopped to show off the baby to the Smiths. Karl was playing some guitar for D, and of course he wanted to help. He really likes to play with Karl's guitars, and we constantly have to tell him he has to wait till Daddy can play with him, so no touchies right now! Of course, the guitar is as tall as Dorian, so that's a little funny. We need to get him a little minnie one that he can bang around on.

The next one is a little fuzzy, but so funny because that is totally his expression lately. He is very much into pointing and showing you what he has in his hand. This was the "look what I have" expression. He'll reach out whatever it is he has as if he's sharing, and then take it back. Especially with food. He'll give you a "bite" and then take the rest back. Of course it's covered in slobber, so you say "ummmm thanks for sharing" and then wipe your mouth off. :)

The last one is taken at UOP. We walked around and reminisced (spelling on that one???). While we were walking, we just happened to find our way into the student store and found a Dorian sized Tigers hat. Very nice. GO TIGERS!

Monday, March 17, 2008

starting early on the juice...

This last weekend Karl, Dorian and I all drove down to Stockton to get some wedding stuff finalized. Well, mostly finalized anyway. Dorian was VERY interested in Karl's coffee. (well actually the cup). He got very upset whenever Karl would take it to drink some. So we washed it out and he got his very own first Starbuck's cup. He truly is our son if he's into the caffeine already!

He did so well driving all the way down to Stockton! He even had some smiles for us. Granted, he got bored and frustrated talking about flowers and cake flavors, but most of the time he was smiley. We saw Tricia and Quinn also, but the pictures are still on my camera and will have to be uploaded later.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Easter and 10 months old

Dorian is 10 months old! Wow, the time flew. Well, he and I went for a walk and ended up at the mall baby picture place. So of course since I am a sucker for pictures, I had to get some of D for easter/10 months old. It was actually really fun! The lady was awesome with him and got him to smile. I will definately be taking him back again for 1 year pictures. Hope you enjoy them! Happy Easter Kat, Karl & Dorian

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pens....where's the blue one when you need it?

Dorian and I have been going to Karl's work a lot so that they can see each other more. Dorian is such a Daddy's boy and he LOVES to go play with the big balls and tables at Karl's work. Now he has discovered PENS!!!! It was very entertaining for everyone, including him. We had all the pens in the holder and we put it in front of him. He would pull some out, look at them, and then throw them down. This would get repeated until the whole pen basket was empty, like he was looking for a specific one. Really funny. I think we could have done that all day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hats and sleepie byes

Today was a day for hats! We decided to go on a walk because the weather was soooo beautiful today. He got this cool hat from GrandNan! It's still a little bit big, but it was so sunny out that the big brim is a great thing for him! He pulled it off a couple times, but I kept putting it on and eventually I think he gave up with a bit of a sigh at mom.

We walked over to Dad's work to go see him and say hello to everyone in the office. Dorian likes to flirt with all the front desk girls. While we were waiting for Karl to finish, we went and fixed some tables. Dorian really likes the Drop tables because he can jiggle the moving parts around and make a lot of noise. Very fun.
We then decided to go driving for a bit, baby fell asleep, and we ended up driving a bit longer to keep him that way! :) Once he woke up we walked around at CostPlus a bit and found some fun head gear. Dorian was very nice and let us try everything on him. He doesn't look exactly enthusiastic, but he didn't try pulling it off either. Now we are home again.

I don't have a picture for this, but I have to tell the story anyway... As we were going to bed tonight Dorian was doing his usual tossing and turning routine. He rolls from side to side, sits up and keels over again, lays on his stomach with his butt in the air, then flops onto his back etc etc. Well he ended up falling asleep with his feet in Daddy's face and his head on Daddy's arm. It was pretty funny. I was laughing at least! Good night everyone!

Katja, Karl and Dorian

Monday, March 10, 2008

belly button?

Really cute belly rolls! Enough said.

baby doc

Dorian is getting all ready to follow in mom and dad's footsteps! He loves to play with the adjusting table. Notice there is no facepaper attached, he unwinds it and gets it all over the floor real fast. He has even been up on the table a few times for a check and adjustment himself! I don't know abou the spotted labcoat look for him though.... not very doctor inspiring. :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

singing and bouncing balls

I know these two images are a little fuzzy, but they are too cute. When we got home from our walk yesterday Dorian was all mad because he woke up when we stopped driving, he probably could have slept another hour! Well, when he gets upset like that, Grandpa Ed takes him in the room and turns on Beatles music. Grandpa and Dorian both sing along to the songs and bounce up and down. It either calms Dorian down or puts him right to sleep. He loves the Beatles! It's pretty funny. I even asked him if he wanted to come to me to go lay down a bit more or nurse, and he wouldn't come to me, he wanted to stay and sing!

The other picture is of him with his new ball. It's like the exercise balls, only miniature. He loves to chase after it and pick it up and then throw it. He even gives it kisses! He looks like Charlie Chaplin going after his hat when he keeps trying to pick up the hat but kicks it forward instead.. he does the same thing with the ball (I hope someone knows what I'm talking about!).

Friday, March 7, 2008

Out and about

Today was another walking day. The weather has been gorgeous! It was a little overcast, but that wasn't a problem since Dorian is a little furnace; we stayed plenty warm. We went and walked at a place called Empire Mine in Grass Valley. When we first got there, we saw some horses that had just finished a walk! Of course, since I love horses, I thought it high time to introduce Dorian to them. He wasn't so sure... He wouldn't put his hand out to pet the horse, he just kind of stared at it with saucer eyes. Really funy. The lady was so nice to let me hold the horse and take a picture. :)

After that we started walking. Maria, mom and I all went with Milo and Dorian. Milo slept for a little while in his sling while Dorian talked and talked and talked. I thought he would talk himself right to sleep, but it never happened. He stayed awake for the whole walk, just looking at things. He did get a bit grumpy at the end, but we made it okay. Grandma was playing peekaboo with him while we were walking and he thought that was the funniest thing and just laughed and laughed.

Milo is very different! You have to work at it a bit more to get him to smile, but when he does, his whole little face lights up. So cute. He has a little lopsided smile too, he'll smirk at you with one side of his mouth. After that, we got in the car and Dorian slept all the way home....all worn out from walking so far.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

duckies and patty cake

We really like Virginia Lake. We went there again to walk around. As much as Dorian likes the ducks, I think he also likes that we sit in the car afterwards and he gets to "drive". It was pretty funny. He even managed to check the mirror, play with th keys, jiggle the emergency brake, attempt to put the car in gear and drive with his mouth on the steering wheel. It was funny. Again, walking round the lake is NOT for sissies, he didn't even nod off once!

However, when we dropped daddy off at work again and went home, he fell asleep for an hour and a half. Mom got bored waiting for him to wake up, so when he stirred even just a little, he got covered in kisses and hugs to wake up. That's a good way to wake up right? He liked it and kissed right back!

On Monday March 3rd at 8:30 pm Dorian figured out how to clap and give high fives. It's awesome! We were all laying in bed waiting for him to nod off and I help up my hand and said clap clap! And he did! Then Karl did it too with him. It was so cute. And he's done it since then. He used to always keep his hands curled and not really know what the heck to do when you held up your hand. He learned to keep them flat about a week ago for proper "patty cake" singing, but now he can clap. So cool to see him develop! Sorry, no picture of that one, we'll work on it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

nite play time

Today was a very long day. Mom and Dorian left the house at 6:30 to go to work. We woke up at 5:45. We got to Nevada City at 8:00 and did the "hand off" with grandma. Dorian and his cousin Milo then both got to go to grandma and grandpa's for the day to play. They really like each other. If one is eating, the other one has to also. Toys that one has, have to be had immediately by the other one. Apparently Dorian is getting jealous a bit too, depending on who is holding Milo, Dorian wants to be held by the same person right away also.

We finally got back to Reno at 8:00 pm tonight. Then it was time for some playing before bed. The favorite is when we build up the little tower for him from green blocks. No matter where we put it in the room, he comes storming up to knock it over. Today he even started to knock it over with his mouth. It's pretty funny. He'll pretty much drop everything to go destroy the tower. I think he learned that from grandpa, they play the same game with some other stacking toys.

Then it was time for stories. He got to read his animal sounds book another 5 times, to add to the millions we've already read it. He even turns the pages for us, or smacks the book when we're not going fast enough. I think he tries to get through the beginning of the book as fast as possible so he can get to his lion page. We both sat and read with him for a while. Now it's time for nonnies. So sleep tight everyone! Zzzz......

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Early morning reading session

Well Dorian decided to get up at 6 am today. Not very nice for mom and dad, but he was wide awake and happy! So mom took him into his room to play. He played with everything he could find, looked in tubs, pulled clothes out of drawers, chased after Meesha kitty, beat up a pillow and had a grand 'ol time. Finally he decided it was time for reading and settled on mommy's lap for story time. I think we must have read the book 500 times. He loves the animal sounds. His favorite are the kitty and the lion. Then he keeled over to take a nap (and woke up again completely refreshed after 30minutes!).